Personalised Cancer Care as Unique as You

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Cancon 2023

We provide resources for some of the most popular treatments.

Airway management

Airway Management & Transoral Laser Surgeries

(A combined Anaesthesia and Head & Neck Conference)

Event date : 24th & 25th March

About the conference:

This conference is unique, where in a single platform the participants get an opportunity to interact, observe and learn from the experts working in the shared working space - AIRWAY. The conference highlight is live laser surgeries of the vocal cord, which will be performed in an unconventional technique (Tubeless anaesthesia) by the international faculties.

Both Anaesthesia & Surgeons involved in this shared area i.e., larynx will benet by attending the meeting.

The hands on will be mentored by renowned International and National experts in the eld of Dicult Airway, Head & Neck Anaesthesia and Surgery.

Last date of registration: 11th March 2023

*Students to submit a bonade certicate from their department of Institution Head/ Supervisor along with the registration form.

For any queries related to registration or any other details contact: Ms Hemavathi (9am to 6pm) +91-9513510331 or Write to us at

Registration Details
Registration fees





Students/ Post graduates

Delegates/ Professionals

Hands On Laser Workshop (Including CONFERENCE)

Hands On Anaesthesia Workshop (Including CONFERENCE)

Rs 2500

Rs 5000

Rs 25000

Rs 10000

Key Highlights Of The Conference

Hospitals can be overwhelming when you're ill. We have resources to help you prepare for your stay and ensure it is as comfortable as possible.

Day 1 - Live Surgeries

Renowned International Faculties

Live Surgeries

Opportunity to interact with experts

Day 2 - Didactic Lectures/Interactive Session on Anaesthesia & Surgical Techniques

Learn About Advanced Techniques For Transoral Surgeries

Hands On Workshops

Unique Models For Laser Training

Who should attend :

Delegates practicing Anaesthesia in Head and Neck Surgery (Laser) and Anaesthesia trainees.

ENT surgeons, Head & Neck Surgeons, Surgical Oncologists, Doctors interested about laser surgery in the airway.

Hand on Workshop :



Fibreoptic Intubation


Video Laryngoscope


Tubeless Anaesthesia ( Thrive & Jet Ventilation)


Efona ( Cricothyrotomy and Percutaneous Tracheostomy )


Double Lumen Tube


Bronchial blocker

Head & Neck Surgery


Structured Laser hands on workshop mentored by Prof. Carsten Palme & Dr Akshay Kudpaje ( limited to 10 Candidates only )


Flexible Laryngoscopy procedures

Our Patrons

Cytecare’s commitment to providing the highest level of advanced cancer care treatment includes a multi-faceted approach that relies on what we call the four pillars of cancer treatment.