Senior Consultant – Urology , Renal transplant and UroOncology
About me
MBBS - Kasturbha Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
MS (General Surgery) - Medical College Kottayam, Gandhinagar, Kottayam
MRCS - The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), UK
M.Ch. Genitourinary Surgery (Urology) - Medical College Kottayam, Gandhinagar, Kottayam
DrNB Urology – National Board Of Examinations , New Delhi
Fellowship in UroOncology and Robotic Surgery (FURS)– Basavatarakam IndoAmerican Cancer Hospital and Research Institute Hyderabad
Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (FMAS) Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
Fellowship in Academy of General Education (FAGE) Academy House Manipal, Karnataka
Certificate of training for surgical robotics as Console Surgeon for HUGO RAS, Medtronics system
Certificate of da Vinci System Training as a Console Surgeon for DaVinci surgical Robotic sytem
Total Experience- 15 plus Years of Surgical Experience
Areas of Special Interests
Uro-Oncology Surgical procedures
Laparoscopic and robotic Surgeries
Renal Transplant
Laser Surgery (Stone and Prostrate)
Endourology Surgeries
Reconstructive Urology (Urethroplasty)
Female Urology viz TOT, VVF repair
USI Urology society of India
ASU Association of Southern Urologist
UAK Urologist association of Kerala
SOGO Society of Genito Urinary Oncologist
BUS Bangalore Urologist Society
ASI Association of Surgeons of India
Key Achievements
Faculty and delivered lecture on Carcinoma Bladder– Early Cystectomy at Bladder Cancer Update January 2024 held in Caritas Hospital.Kottayam Kerala
Faculty and delivered lecture on Carcinoma Bladder – Bladder preservation protocol in national Urology conference (USICON 2020) held in Cochin, India in January 2020
Faculty and delivered lecture on Significance of Orchidectomy in present era in management of Carcinoma Prostate in national Urology conference (USICON 2020) held in Cochin, India in January 2020
Faculty and Video presented on Radical cystectomy and orthotopic Neobladder construction in UAK 2019
Best Paper award winner in Lithocon, Kerala Urology State level conference held in Kollam for original study ‘The recurrence and Progression rate of non- muscle invasive bladder cancer-A comparison with predictive risk models
Travelling scholarship for Robotic Surgeons Council Meeting held in Goa in Nov 2017 by Vattikuti Foundation
Paper selected and presented in prestigious C.K.P Menon prize paper session in USICON -2016 all India level Urology conference held in Hyderabad on ‘ Quality of life in Renal Transplant Recipients- A comparison between live and deceased recipient
Video Presentations
‘Laparoscopic Assisted Bilateral Adrenalectomy’ for B/L Adrenal Tumour in MEN syndrome in best video paper session in AMASICON, Nagpur India
‘Laparoscopic Assisted Radical Nephroureterectomy and pelvic lymphnode dissection’ in USICON
‘Laparoscopic Assisted Partial Cystectomy (Cystoscopy guidance) for urachal adeno carcinoma’ in SZUSICON
Runner Up of IPCA URO QUIZ held in Kottayam
Poster presentations
‘Intestinal Plasmocytoma- A rare case’ in KASICON (Kerala Surgery State Conference) held in Kottayam
‘Recurrence and Progression rate of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in our population’ in Apollo Cancer Conclave – 2017 held in Hyderabad
Paper Presentations:
‘Quality of life in Renal Transplant Recipients- A comparison between live and deceased recipients’ in all India level Urology conference held in Hyderabad
‘Quality of life in Renal Transplant Donors’ in zonal level Urology conference (south zone) held in Vishakhapatnam
‘Quality of life in Renal Transplant Recipients’ in Kerala state level Urology conference held in Kollam
‘The recurrence and Progression rate of non- muscle invasive bladder cancer-A comparison with predictive risk models in Kerala State level urology conference held in Kollam
Recognised By Silicon India Magazine As SI Top 10 Prominent Urologists In India 2024
Role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Clinically Node Negative Carcinoma Penis – a Prospective Study
Jayakarthik Yoganarasimha, Rakesh Manilal Sharma , Ashwin Giridhar , Vishal B Rao , Raju Kvvn, Subramanyeshwar T Rao
Indian J Surg Oncol 2023 Jun;14(2):288-291. doi: 10.1007/s13193-022-01656-x. Epub 2022 Oct 4.
Unusual Cause of Acute Urinary Retention in Young Male Patient: Primary Synovial Sarcoma of Prostate—A Case Report.
Acta Scientific Cancer Biology. 5. 03-07. 10.31080/ASCB.2021.04.0286. (2021).
Paraneoplastic Syndromic Manifestation of Severe Hypercalcemia in a Carcinoma Penis with Large Inguinal Lymph Node Secondaries and Spontaneous Normalisation of Hypercalcemia After Excision – A Case Report
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Senior Consultant – Urology , Renal transplant and UroOncology
MBBS - Kasturbha Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
MS (General Surgery) - Medical College Kottayam, Gandhinagar, Kottayam
MRCS - The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), UK
M.Ch. Genitourinary Surgery (Urology) - Medical College Kottayam, Gandhinagar, Kottayam
DrNB Urology – National Board Of Examinations , New Delhi
Fellowship in UroOncology and Robotic Surgery (FURS)– Basavatarakam IndoAmerican Cancer Hospital and Research Institute Hyderabad
Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (FMAS) Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
Fellowship in Academy of General Education (FAGE) Academy House Manipal, Karnataka
Certificate of training for surgical robotics as Console Surgeon for HUGO RAS, Medtronics system
Certificate of da Vinci System Training as a Console Surgeon for DaVinci surgical Robotic sytem
Total Experience- 15 plus Years of Surgical Experience
Areas of Special Interests
Uro-Oncology Surgical procedures
Laparoscopic and robotic Surgeries
Renal Transplant
Laser Surgery (Stone and Prostrate)
Endourology Surgeries
Reconstructive Urology (Urethroplasty)
Female Urology viz TOT, VVF repair
USI Urology society of India
ASU Association of Southern Urologist
UAK Urologist association of Kerala
SOGO Society of Genito Urinary Oncologist
BUS Bangalore Urologist Society
ASI Association of Surgeons of India
Key Achievements
Faculty and delivered lecture on Carcinoma Bladder– Early Cystectomy at Bladder Cancer Update January 2024 held in Caritas Hospital.Kottayam Kerala
Faculty and delivered lecture on Carcinoma Bladder – Bladder preservation protocol in national Urology conference (USICON 2020) held in Cochin, India in January 2020
Faculty and delivered lecture on Significance of Orchidectomy in present era in management of Carcinoma Prostate in national Urology conference (USICON 2020) held in Cochin, India in January 2020
Faculty and Video presented on Radical cystectomy and orthotopic Neobladder construction in UAK 2019
Best Paper award winner in Lithocon, Kerala Urology State level conference held in Kollam for original study ‘The recurrence and Progression rate of non- muscle invasive bladder cancer-A comparison with predictive risk models
Travelling scholarship for Robotic Surgeons Council Meeting held in Goa in Nov 2017 by Vattikuti Foundation
Paper selected and presented in prestigious C.K.P Menon prize paper session in USICON -2016 all India level Urology conference held in Hyderabad on ‘ Quality of life in Renal Transplant Recipients- A comparison between live and deceased recipient
Video Presentations
‘Laparoscopic Assisted Bilateral Adrenalectomy’ for B/L Adrenal Tumour in MEN syndrome in best video paper session in AMASICON, Nagpur India
‘Laparoscopic Assisted Radical Nephroureterectomy and pelvic lymphnode dissection’ in USICON
‘Laparoscopic Assisted Partial Cystectomy (Cystoscopy guidance) for urachal adeno carcinoma’ in SZUSICON
Runner Up of IPCA URO QUIZ held in Kottayam
Poster presentations
‘Intestinal Plasmocytoma- A rare case’ in KASICON (Kerala Surgery State Conference) held in Kottayam
‘Recurrence and Progression rate of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in our population’ in Apollo Cancer Conclave – 2017 held in Hyderabad
Paper Presentations:
‘Quality of life in Renal Transplant Recipients- A comparison between live and deceased recipients’ in all India level Urology conference held in Hyderabad
‘Quality of life in Renal Transplant Donors’ in zonal level Urology conference (south zone) held in Vishakhapatnam
‘Quality of life in Renal Transplant Recipients’ in Kerala state level Urology conference held in Kollam
‘The recurrence and Progression rate of non- muscle invasive bladder cancer-A comparison with predictive risk models in Kerala State level urology conference held in Kollam
Recognised By Silicon India Magazine As SI Top 10 Prominent Urologists In India 2024
Role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Clinically Node Negative Carcinoma Penis – a Prospective Study
Jayakarthik Yoganarasimha, Rakesh Manilal Sharma , Ashwin Giridhar , Vishal B Rao , Raju Kvvn, Subramanyeshwar T Rao
Indian J Surg Oncol 2023 Jun;14(2):288-291. doi: 10.1007/s13193-022-01656-x. Epub 2022 Oct 4.
Unusual Cause of Acute Urinary Retention in Young Male Patient: Primary Synovial Sarcoma of Prostate—A Case Report.
Acta Scientific Cancer Biology. 5. 03-07. 10.31080/ASCB.2021.04.0286. (2021).
Paraneoplastic Syndromic Manifestation of Severe Hypercalcemia in a Carcinoma Penis with Large Inguinal Lymph Node Secondaries and Spontaneous Normalisation of Hypercalcemia After Excision – A Case Report