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Neuro Oncology

It is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of patients with injury to, or diseases/disorders of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body. The specialty of neurosurgical care includes both adult and pediatric patients. Dependent upon the nature of the injury or disease a neurological surgeon may provide surgical and/or non-surgical care.

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) procedure can be an effective form of treatment for certain kinds of cancer, especially blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. A stem cell transplant may also be used to treat certain genetic conditions and some noncancerous blood diseases. Cytecare provides the best bone marrow transplant and has a dedicated team of experts to provide information and support to you before, during and after the transplant.

Neuro Oncology Services at Cytecare

Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
Neuro Medical Oncology
Palliative Surgeries
Comprehensive Care for Spine Tumours
Brain Tumours
Central Nervous System Lymphoma Management



Symptoms due to brain tumors in children are usually due to pressure on nearby structures or blockage of normal flow of fluids through the brain. These symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Weakness or lack of co-ordination
  • Seizures and visual changes


The presence of brain tumor is suspected when the child undergoes a detailed neurological examination of a doctor. This is confirmed by scanning techniques like Computed Tomography (CT Scan) And Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI).

Pediatric Neurosurgery Services

Spinal Cord Malformations
Endoscopic surgery
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
Spinal cord tumors
Pediatric Brain Tumors


Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurological rehabilitation is a program where in the doctor designs and supervises a program to deal with any issues pertaining to the nervous system, be it a disease, disorder or trauma of the same. This type of rehabilitation enhances the functioning of the individual, tapers the symptoms and the patient generally shows a marked improvement.

Conditions that can benefit from neurological rehabilitation

  • Vascular disorders, namely Hematoma, Ischemic Strokes (due to blood clots), and Hemorrhagic Strokes (as a result of bleeding inside the brain)
  • Subdural and Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) Infections, such as Meningitis, Encephalitis, Polio, and Brain Abscesses Trauma, caused due to injury to the brain and spinal cord.
  • Functional disorders namely Dizziness, Seizures, Neuralgia and Headaches.
  • Neuromuscular disorders, namely Cervical Spondylosis, Bell’s palsy, Myasthenia gravis, Muscular Dystrophy, Carpal Tunnel’s Syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, Guillain-Barré’s Syndrome and tumors of the spinal cord and brain.
  • Degenerative disorders, namely Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s Cholera Alzheimer’s disease.

Multidisciplinary Team

Orthopedic surgeon
Rehabilitation specialists
Specialty doctors in other fields
Occupational therapist
Speech therapist
Social worker
Recreational therapist
Vocational counselor

Our hospital proudly holds an outstanding 4.9 rating on Google.


Other Comprehensive Treatments

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Hear all our patient testimonials

Our dedicated team of cancer doctors, nurses and caretakers leave no stone unturned when it comes to cancer treatment and management. Our holistic approach ensures appropriate actions in relation to the situation at hand.


An inspiring story from our Cancer Survivor Aishvariya Rane whose tough battle with cancer became a lot easier because of the support of her husband, her daughter, and other family members. She started her t...

Ms. Aishvariya Rane


A Cancer survivor and an internationally certified Yoga Instructor, Mili Baruah, started Yoga during her treatment and believes that Yoga helps calm the mind and performing basic asanas can keep a person hea...

Mili Baruah


The strength is always in you, says Lakshmi, who was diagnosed with blood cancer (lymphoma) in 2017. Lakshmi takes the time to personally thank all the nursing staff in Cytecare and the doctors particularly ...


Frequently asked questions

Here are the frequently asked questions about cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and cancer care

Pediatric Neurosurgery focuses on the issues concerning the development and maturation of the nervous system and the disease affecting the nervous system in children.

There is a normal variation in achieving milestones in different children who are otherwise normal. Hence there is a need to detect the "abnormal from the normal" early, so that appropriate investigations can be done early for the cause and treatment/interventions can be expedited.

Developmental screening is a procedure designed to identify those children should receive more intensive assessment for detecting potential development delays

Birth defects are abnormalities of structure or function or metabolism (body chemistry) present at birth (congenital) that results in physical or mental disability.

Why Cytecare

Health Care Achievers
Indian Association of Palliative Care
Google Reviews

A 150-bed treatment center which excels in advanced surgical care across oncology, critical care and other specialities.

Our commitment to providing the highest level of care & treatment to patients has led us to enhance the impact of treatment across multiple specialities through Cytecare Specialities and provide highly advanced cancer treatment and surgical care through our Oncology Center of Excellence

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