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Cytecare and Vidyaship - Faculty Meeting


14th January, 2023


Cytecare hospitals

Collaboration allows us to know much more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves.

Following this principle, we at Cytecare Cancer Hospitals are always looking forward to interacting and working with various academic institutions. Such institutions always bring so much experience to the table, which can be leveraged to improve our processes apart from driving innovation and enhancing efficiencies.

In the same series, we had a fantastic interaction between our Clinicians and Management with Senior Faculty Members of Vidyashilp University, including Honorable Vice Chancellor Dr. Vijayan Immanuel. We had a long discussion on multiple areas where both intuitions can work together to impact how various processes can be handled in the hospital as well as how students can be trained in healthcare.

Given the vast experience that VU faculty members carry in various Inter-Disciplinary areas, including Data Sciences, Design-Thinking, Psychology and Liberal Arts, their feedback and suggestions were extremely valuable.

We hope to work with these bright and experienced minds to do something better in the Indian Healthcare space and also work in the area of getting some meaningful insights from hospital data that can help clinicians and patients in rapid decision-making as well as incorporate the elements of design thinking in any process that we implement.

Thanks to visionary leaders like Dr. Kiran Pai and Dr Ferzaan Engineer for facilitating this collaboration and showing the way forward for a path-breaking partnership.

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Event conducted by

Cytecare Hospitals