DR. RAGHAVENDRA BABU, Senior Consultant – Gastrointestinal & HPB Surgical Oncology
Even though overlooked by many people, Pancreas is an important organ as a part of the digestive system of our body helping in digesting the food we eat by producing digestive enzymes to break down the food we eat in the intestine and also producing hormones to help in regulating our blood sugars.
It is located behind and in between the stomach and small intestines. It is spongy to touch and shaped like a fish, measuring about 15 cm in length in adults. Its head part is located in the junction of the stomach and small intestine and this is where it releases pancreatic juices for digestion. The neck, body and tail are located in the central abdomen.
The pancreas produces certain chemicals called enzymes that help in the digestion of the foods we eat. These enzymes like trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, and lipase help in breaking down proteins, carbohydrates and fats that we eat into their elemental forms, so that they can be absorbed. Without this digestion, all the nutrients are not absorbed. The pancreatic juice drains into the intestine through a common opening both for the pancreatic duct and the bile duct.
The pancreas is also an important organ in regulating blood sugars. It produces many hormones which are released into the blood like insulin, glucagon and others which maintain blood sugar levels and also help in building of body cells and proteins. This is vital in maintaining the function of key organs like the brain, liver and kidneys.
The common diseases of pancreas include pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Here the enzymes of the pancreas can digest part of the pancreas itself and also the surrounding fatty omentum in the abdomen. It is most commonly caused by alcohol and gallstones. It can also be caused by certain medications, genetic predisposition or dietary habits.
Pancreatic cancer is most commonly an adenocarcinoma from the enzyme-producing and ductal cells. Rarely, cancer can arise from the endocrine cells and called as neuroendocrine tumors. Smoking and alcohol are the two most common risk factors for cancer in pancreas. Pancreatitis itself can also be a risk factor.
Pancreas can be affected by other diseases like cysts, stones or precancerous conditions like IPMN.